Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So Saturday we were in Shelbyville, TN and I went to post my blog and the computer messed up. It is the second time that has happened to me there. I was pretty upset about it because I spent a lot of time on it. After I pondered on it for awhile I realized I just need to be forgiving. I have been thinking about forgiveness the past few days. I have realized what a great blessing God has given us in sending His son Jesus Christ to die for us. I know that because of Christ's sacrifice we can be forgiven of our sins. As I have studied I have come to see how much God loves us. God wants us to come to Him. He wants to forgive us. It is up to us to just take the time to seek his forgiveness. We can receive this forgiveness through repentance. To repent we need to feel truly sorry for the things that we have done. We need to promise God that we wont do those things any more. Then we must work our hardest to do the right things. I know that as we do this Christ will give us the strength to stay on the right path and through his sacrifice we will be forgiven. So I was thinking yesterday about how we have the tendency to judge others and situations with out having the whole story. I judged the Shelbyville library computers to be messed up but maybe I did something wrong. That is the great thing about God. He knows the whole story. He knows exactly what has happened and what needs to be done. At times we turn from God and do the wrong things. As we turn to him and prayer seeking forgiveness Christ will lead us back to our Heavenly Father. And God will welcome us back with open arms to be with him again. I suggest that we all take the time to draw nearer to God. That we not only seek forgiveness for ourselves but forgive others. I also think we should try to get the whole story before we try to pass judgment on the situation. I know that as we try to live the best life we can we will feel Gods love more. I know that reading the Book of Mormon will bring us closer to God. I recommend that everyone takes the time to try it. Go to http://www.mormon.org/ and click on missionary request to learn more.

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